Secure Your Home
With Bharat Griha Raksha

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Claims Settled <sup>FY 23-24</sup>

Claims Settled FY 23-24

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Why Bharat Griha Raksha?

Secure Your Home Against Unforeseen Events!

Home is the place where one feels the most secured and happy. You want to protect your home from any kind of threat to safeguard your happiness. SBI General’s Bharat Griha Raksha Policy is a comprehensive offering that protects your home and its contents against unexpected and unfortunate events.

Who Can Buy This Policy?

You can purchase the home building cover if you own the building. You can also purchase home contents cover for the contents if you are a tenant or an owner.

Key Benefits of Bharat Griha Raksha by SBIG

Customer Centric
  • Policy available from 1 year to 10 years.
  • Coverage for building (structure) and/or contents.
  • Home contents are automatically covered at 20% of Sum Insured amount for the building (subject to maximum of Rs 10 lacs)
  • Flexible options for coverage of home contents.
  • Optional covers available for valuable contents.
  • Optional cover for personal accident of Rs 5 lakh each for self and spouse (arising out of fire and allied perils)
  • Inbuilt cover for fee payable to architect/surveyor/consulting engineer (5% of claim amount)
  • Inbuilt cover for removal of debris (2% of claim amount)
  • Inbuilt cover for loss of rent/ rent for alternative accommodation.
  • Auto-escalation of sum insured by 10% for annual policies and for long term policies.
  • Building (structure) and contents insured on reinstatement/ replacement value basis.
  • Valuable contents insured on agreed value basis.
  • Underinsurance is not applicable.
  • No deductible applicable.

(*Please ensure you read the policy terms and conditions in detail before buying your plan.)

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What’s Covered Under Bharat Griha Raksha?

  • circleFire
  • circleExplosion or Implosion
  • circleLightning
  • circleEarthquake
  • circleStorm, cyclone, typhoon, tempest, hurricane, tornado, tsunami, flood and inundation
  • circleSubsidence of the land on which your home building stands, landslide, rockslide
  • circleForest fire, bush fire, jungle fire
  • circleImpact damage of any kind, i.e. damage caused by impact of, or collision caused by, any external physical object (e.g. vehicle, falling trees, aircraft, wall etc.)
  • circleMissile testing operations
  • circleRiot, strike, malicious damages
  • circleActs of terrorism
  • circleBursting or overflowing of water tanks, apparatus and pipes
  • circleLeakage from automatic sprinkler installations
  • circleTheft within 7 days from the occurrence of and proximately caused by any of the above insured events

Disclaimer: The terms and conditions of these covers are mentioned in the policy wordings of SBI Bharat Griha Raksha. People are advised to go through the policy wordings carefully before buying the plan.

What’s Not Covered Under Bharat Griha Raksha Insurance?

It is crucial to understand when you will not be covered under your home insurance.

  • ImagesWilful or intentional act or omission.
  • ImagesWar, invasion, act of foreign enemy.
  • ImagesIonising radiation or contamination by radioactivity.
  • ImagesPollution or contamination.
  • ImagesShort circuiting, arcing, self- heating or leakage of electricity from whatever cause (lightning included)
  • ImagesLoss of earning, loss by delay, consequential loss.
  • ImagesReduction in market value.
  • ImagesCosts, fees, expenses for preparing any claim.

Disclaimer: The above list of exclusions is illustrative and not exhaustive. For a full list of the exclusions, please refer to policy wordings.

FAQs About Bharat Griha Raksha

a) Home Building Cover, that covers any loss, damage, or destruction of Home Building,
b) Home Contents Cover, that covers articles or things in home.

The policy should be for minimum 1 year and maximum 10 years.

No, they cannot be covered as Home Building.

Yes, it can be covered under Home Content.

Product Name : SBI General Bharat Griha Raksha


The above information is indicative in nature, for more details on complete coverage and terms and conditions, please contact our nearest office and also read the sales brochure carefully before concluding a sale.
Tax Benefits are subject to change in Tax Laws
*T&C Apply

Policy Documents