
Devotees across the nation are gearing up for the most awaited festival – Navratri. Celebrated over nine days, each day during this festival is dedicated to an incarnation of Goddess Durga, who emerged victorious over the powerful demon, Mahishasura. Durga Ashtami is the most auspicious of all nine days and marks the birth of Goddess Mahagauri, the eighth avatar of Goddess Durga, who signifies good health and happiness. Similarly, all other days of Navratri symbolise different qualities of Goddess Durga. Find out what they are in this article.

The Nine Manifestations of Goddess Durga and What They Symbolise

The nine qualities of Goddess Durga are associated with her nine incarnations. They are:

1. Shailaputri

On this day, we celebrate the daughter of the Himalayas, Shailaputri. Riding a bull and carrying a lotus and a trident in her two hands, Shailaputri epitomises strength and courage. Like the mountains, she is powerful yet grounded.

2. Brahmacharini

Brahmacharini was the form of Goddess Parvati when she engaged in thousands of years of meditation to please Lord Shiva. She symbolises patience and dedication to attain your goals.

3. Chandraghanta

The fierce 10-armed goddess, Chandraghanta embodies bravery, fearlessness, and courage. The third eye on Chandraghanta's forehead represents the necessary qualities of attentiveness and vigilance.

4. Kushmanda

Kushmanda is deemed the creator of the universe. Legend has it that Khushmanda's illuminating smile filled the dark universe with light. She bestows good health and immense wealth while guiding you through dark times.

5. Skandmata

Mother of the war god Kartikeya, Skandmata, showers her devotees with power, prosperity and wisdom. Skandmata teaches us that if we devoid ourselves of selfishness, the gods will bless us with treasures.

6. Katyayani

One of the fiercest forms of Goddess Durga, Katyayani, is known as the warrior goddess. She is also known as the goddess of penance and is strong, tenacious, and courageous in the face of evil.

7. Kaalratri

The appearance of Kaalratri is said to invoke fear. She is also deemed the destroyer of all evil and negative energies. She protects her worshippers from harm and teaches them to help the weak.

8. Mahagauri

The four-armed deity, Mahagauri, represents beauty and peace. She is known to liberate her worshippers from the fear of rebirth, but is mostly synonymous with wisdom and knowledge.

9. Siddhidatri

Siddhidatri is the ninth Navadurga and is believed to fulfil divine aspirations. She imparts wisdom and positive energy into her devotees and helps them become successful in their endeavours.

Be Wise and Make Prudent Investment Choices

Among her infinite qualities, Goddess Durga is known for her wisdom. In our daily lives, being wise means taking the necessary steps to safeguard our and our family's well-being – both emotional and financial. This, you can achieve, by saving your money and investing it regularly, in the right instruments. For instance, you must purchase health insurance so that you are always prepared in case of medical emergencies. Similarly, vehicle insurance and home insurance help you safeguard your valuable assets.

Your insurance policies protect you against the many uncertainties in life while ensuring you do not deplete your lifelong savings.

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