Boss’s Day 2022: How to Build a Healthy Employee-Boss Relationship?
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Boss’s Day 2022: How to Build a Healthy Employee-Boss Relationship?

In your lifetime, you may come across several bosses. Some make your life miserable, while others may inspire you to achieve great things. An excellent boss is one who is a compassionate and fair leader but knows when to be stern and proactive. However, employees may avoid associating with a potentially awesome boss due to past experiences with bad bosses. This Boss’s Day, let’s understand ways you can build a strong relationship with your boss.

What is Boss’s Day?

Boss’s Day is celebrated every year on the 16th of October. Patricia Bays Haroski registered the day with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in 1958. The objective was to designate a day wherein employees show appreciation for their bosses. Boss’s Day was officially proclaimed in 1962. Since then, many countries have been celebrating this day.

Four Ways to Build a Strong Relationship with Your Boss

While you don’t need to be friends with your boss, you need them to respect you. So, here’s how you can build a healthy employee–boss relationship.

Be proactive

Being enthusiastic and proactive demonstrates that you show up to work because you want to, not because you have to. Take the initiative to work on upcoming projects. Do not shy away from pitching ideas for new products or campaigns.

Ask for feedback and advice

A good boss will typically give you feedback through constructive criticism. However, if your manager is not able to spend time with you due to multiple commitments, you can be the one asking for feedback. Also, make sure you incorporate the feedback in your future assignments. This shows your willingness to grow with the company.

Speak up when necessary

You don’t have to agree with everything your boss says. However, you should discuss the disagreements professionally in private. Do not embarrass your boss in front of others. Be confident, speak with facts and offer reasonable solutions. Let your boss know that you can add value to the company.

Under–promise and over–deliver

Exceeding your boss’s expectations can put you in their good books. When working on an assignment, provide a realistic deadline and complete it earlier than expected. Doing so demonstrates your proactiveness and workload management abilities.

How Employee–Boss Relationship Affects Mental Health?

Most of your time is typically spent at your workplace. Therefore, your workplace atmosphere can impact your mental health. Toxic bosses lead to an unwelcoming workplace. Employees thrive poorly in such environments. Fear and anxiety can build up over time and negatively impact mental health. Also, the repercussions of mental health issues can negatively impact your physical well–being.

Mental Health & Health Insurance

Treating mental health issues may involve continuous medication, therapy or counselling. Health insurance allows you to pay for these and numerous other treatment costs. Your insurance provider typically promises a sum insured and covers the costs of various physical and mental health conditions, ailments, hospitalisation, and more. With health insurance, you can get the best treatment without any financial stress or worries.

This Boss’ Day, show your bosses you appreciate them – have a hearty discussion about your expectations and experiences to create a healthy working space.

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