6 foods to avoid winter illness and stay healthy
Health Insurance

6 foods to avoid winter illness and stay healthy

Winter pollution and cold can disrupt your routine, raise stress and lead to overeating and weakened immunity. We recommend a balanced diet with enough protein to curb hunger pangs, and extra sleep to reduce stress.

Oats & Honey

Oats are a filling budget food to boost energy. They are high in immunity-boosting zinc and fibre to stabilize blood sugar. Honey’s antioxidants also boost immunity, and its anti-microbial properties kill bacteria & soothe sore throats.


Pomegranate juice is rich in vitamin B and antioxidants, which curbs harmful cholesterol that leads to plaque build-up in the arteries. Its seeds can reduce chances of cancer, heart disease and high blood pressure.

Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits contain vitamin C which boosts immunity (one orange contains a day’s worth). Their potassium helps maintain electrolyte balance. They are also high in fibre, which controls blood sugar and cholesterol.

Sweet Potatoes

A popular winter food, sweet potatoes are loaded with vitamins A and C. They contain antioxidants that reduce cell damage in the body, while their high fibre content helps stabilize blood sugar levels.

Dark Greens

Dark leafy vegetables are low in calories and rich in beta-carotene and vitamin C – both powerful antioxidants that help fight infections & build immunity. Cold weather even reduces their bitterness, making them tastier.


Carrots are loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants. They also contain beta-carotene, which turns to vitamin A in the body, boosting immunity and enabling healthier eyes, skin & mucus membranes.

Which Spices?

Mustard and ajwain are a great flu remedy, stimulating digestion and increasing blood circulation. Methi soothes bone and joint problems that crop up in winter, while fresh turmeric is a great anti-microbial immunity booster.

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