International Men’s Day: Top Health Risks Prevalent in Men
Health Insurance

International Men’s Day: Top Health Risks Prevalent in Men

Men are constantly told to be tough and invincible. Strong, tough, and macho are just some adjectives societies worldwide use to refer to men. In their effort to fit into their "masculine" roles deemed appropriate by society, men sometimes dismiss their physical pain as temporary occurrences. However, like women, men, too, must not ignore certain symptoms that can impact their health significantly. This International Men's Day, let's assess the top health risks in men.

International Men's Day

Since 1922, International Men's Day is observed every year on the 19th of November to commemorate the various achievements of the male gender. This day is celebrated to focus on men's physical and mental health, recognise the importance of having male role models, and highlighting discrimination men face in certain societies. The day also aims to celebrate their many contributions toward humanity's progress in various fields.

Health Risks Prevalent in Men

As a man, you must ensure you take measures to safeguard your health against the following ailments.

Prostate cancer

The prostate is a walnut-sized gland located behind the male reproductive organ. It secretes fluids necessary for ejaculation. Prostate cancer is a common cancer among men that can cause difficulties while urinating. However, early diagnosis makes it easily treatable.


Diabetes is a metabolic disorder more common in men than women. The body becomes resistant to insulin, and sugar builds up in the body. Men with diabetes typically suffer from poor muscle strength and erectile dysfunction.

Heart diseases

Men are also more vulnerable to heart diseases than women. Coronary artery disease, arrhythmias, congenital heart defects, valve conditions, etc., are common heart conditions. An active lifestyle and a balanced diet can help men maintain their heart health.

Lung diseases

Men typically consume more tobacco than women. Excessive tobacco consumption can lead to life-threatening conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, etc. Diseases of the lungs can also impact the oxygen supply in the body.

Testicular cancer

The testicles produce the male sex hormone and sperm necessary for reproduction. Healthy cells in the testicles can alter due to various factors and form a mass. Genetics is the most common cause of testicular cancer in men. The testicles become enlarged, and men experience heaviness in the scrotum and back pain. Testicular cancer can be treated with chemotherapy, radiation or surgery.


Depression, or major depressive disorder, is a medical condition that impacts how a person thinks and feels. It causes emotional and physical distress, appetite change, weight loss and increased fatigue. Depression can also result from other medical conditions like vitamin deficiency and thyroid problems.

Role of Health Insurance

In most cultures, men are the breadwinners of their families. Should they fall ill, their entire family can be affected. As your family's breadwinner, you must take the necessary steps to ensure your good health by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and undergoing routine health check-ups. You must also secure yourself and your loved ones against medical emergencies by purchasing the necessary health insurance plans.

This International Men's Day, get financial coverage to protect yourself from health risks. Invest in health insurance today!

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