What Should You Do After You Meet with a Car Accident?
No matter how cautiously you drive, you cannot escape the chances of finding yourself in a road accident at any time. Per a Road Accidents in India report by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highway, cars constituted 16.7% of all accidents and 13.6% of all fatalities. After an accident, fear, panic and stress are inevitable emotions. However, knowing what you must do in such situations is crucial. Here are the steps to follow after a car accident.
What to Do After a Car Accident?The important things to do after a car accident include the following.
Get to safetyIf you get into an accident, remain calm and, if possible, drive your car off the road to avoid impeding traffic. Remember, you must not flee the accident scene as it is a criminal offence. You must wait for the first responders and answer their questions about the accident. If your injuries do not allow you to get off the road, seek assistance from pedestrians and other drivers.
Check for injuriesThe next step to follow after a car accident is to inspect yourself and others for injuries. Ensure you always have a first–aid kit in your vehicle so that you can treat basic injuries. Also, check injuries sustained by third–party individuals in the accident. Assessing third–party injuries proves helpful at the time of filing claims.
Contact the policeOne of the most important things to do after a car accident is to inform the police at the earliest opportunity. Regardless of the magnitude of damage, contacting the police is essential. Provide all details to the cops while filing the report and obtain copies of the FIR. You will need to submit the FIR’s copy while filing your claim.
Document the accidentUse your mobile phone camera to take photos and videos of the damages endured by your and third–party vehicles. You can also take pictures of any bodily injuries sustained by all parties involved in the accident. Providing photographic evidence is helpful during the claim filing process and enhances your chances of getting the claim settled quickly.
Inform your insurance providerAfter getting your car to safety and contacting the police, the next step to take after a car accident is to inform your insurance provider or agent. Mention all details of the accident, including the damages sustained by the third party. Be honest with your insurer, as providing any false information can lead to your claim being rejected.
How to Protect Against Financial Loss After a Car Accident?Car accidents generally lead to damage to the exterior and interior parts of the car. Repairing such damages can impact your savings. Therefore, you must consider a comprehensive car insurance policy besides the mandatory third–party limited liability insurance. With car insurance, the insurer covers financial costs associated with accidental damages to your car’s windshield, bonnet, bumpers, engine, tyres, etc. You also need not worry about paying for damages and injuries sustained by the third party, as your insurer takes care of the same. Car insurance protects your financial and legal liabilities and reduces your out–of–pocket expenses.
Disclaimer: The above information is indicative in nature. For more details on the risk factor, terms and conditions, please refer to the Sales Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale.