Monsoon Home Care Tips
Home Insurance

Monsoon Home Care Tips

The monsoon is one of the most awaited times of the year. During the rainy season, everything appears to be delightful and fresh. It is the perfect weather to relish the rain from your balcony. But unfortunately, the rain can bring with it water seepage, fungus and a myriad of other issues that can harm your home. Fortunately, we have rounded up some of the best monsoon home care tips that will keep your home dry and safe when it’s raining outside.

Monsoon Home care tips

Here are a few handy monsoon tips for home that can keep your home safe during heavy showers:

  1. Get your roof waterproofed: Water patches on the ceilings and the walls can spoil the look of your house. Before the first spell of rain, call a plumber to check the roof and terraces, and get them coated with a waterproofing agent. This will prevent seepage during the monsoon season. Getting waterproofing done before the monsoon will also protect your walls against moulds and mildew.

  2. Fill in gaps and cracks:The moist atmosphere is ideal for fungus and moulds to thrive. A crack or gap on the walls or tiles could cause fungal growth and mould, which are often associated with causing breathing problems. As such, a simple monsoon care tip for your home is to check it for cracks and gaps and get them filled in with sealants.

  3. Check electrical fittings properly: Another risk that you must protect your house from is an electrical short circuit. Loose or exposed wires and broken sockets can lead to electrical malfunctions around the year. But the risk of electrocution is very high during the monsoon. Get electrical maintenance done to take care of wirings, voltage regulator and trip switches. You also get open electrical sockets encased.

  4. Check the drainage system: Before the monsoon season starts, make sure that the drainage system has a proper outlet. When the drains are clogged, heavy rain causes water to accumulate. This can lead to sewage to backing up to the house. Not only is this condition troublesome but also unhygienic. It’s best to get the drains desilted before the rainy season.

  5. Get wooden furniture and doors polished: The list of monsoon tips for home also includes proper maintenance and precautions to manage the wooden articles in your house. It is very difficult to get rid of termites. But unfortunately, the humid atmosphere boosts the growth of termites. To avoid a termite infestation, make sure all wooden floors, doors and furniture are properly polished. This will prevent moisture from building up. Place camphor, neem leaves or cloves in the cupboards to avoid attracting insects.

It is good to take precautions to ensure your house is protected against the rains and this list of monsoon home care tips should prove helpful. That said, there are many natural calamities like flash floods, storms and cyclones that accompany unusually heavy rainfall. Many Indian cities have witnessed flash floods in the recent past leading to severe damage to buildings. This is why you cannot underestimate the importance of Home Insurance.

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