tips to stay healthy in rainy season
Health Insurance

Rainy Season Wellness: Tips to Stay Healthy and the Role of Health Insurance

Monsoons bring refreshing rains and a pleasant change in the weather, which offers respite from the scorching heat. But the seasonal downpour also brings along various, unwelcome illnesses and health challenges. The increased humidity and stagnant waters serve as the breeding grounds for various infections and diseases. Common ailments like cold, flu, and waterborne illnesses become more prevalent during the monsoon. If you are not careful, these conditions might severely impact your immune system. Hence, it is crucial to take care of yourself during the rainy season. Here are some helpful rainy season health tips to keep in mind.

Health Tips for Monsoons

Follow these simple tips to stay healthy in the rainy season:
  1. Drink purified water

    Drinking purified water is crucial during the monsoon season. Rainwater can get contaminated and cause waterborne diseases to rear their ugly heads. Boiling or filtering water during the rainy season helps remove harmful germs. Additionally, it is best to avoid drinking untreated water and ice from unknown sources as they can increase the risk of infections.

  2. Emphasise on personal hygiene

    To prevent the spread of infections, you must wash your hands frequently with soap and water, especially when you're back home after being out all day. It also helps to carry a hand sanitiser with you, wherever you go. Keeping yourself clean and hygienic by following these practices reduces the risk of waterborne diseases and other monsoon-related illnesses.

  3. Eat fresh, hot and healthy meals

    Eating freshly cooked meals and avoiding street food is one of the most important health tips for the rainy season. Freshly prepared food reduces the risk of contamination, which is more common in the rainy season. Besides, hot meals help kill harmful bacteria and viruses and prevent foodborne diseases from germinating. Freshly cooked meals also give your immune system a much-needed boost, which helps your body fight against seasonal infections.

  4. Regularly clean frequently touched areas

    Surfaces like doorknobs, light switches, tabletops, etc., typically harbour germs and viruses. If one family member is sick, others can soon get infected if they contact these surfaces. Hence, cleaning frequently touched areas, objects, and surfaces with disinfectants is one of the rainy season health tips you must follow diligently. Wiping commonly used items like phones and keyboards can also prevent the spread of germs.

  5. Keep mosquitoes away

    Mosquitoes are carriers of diseases like malaria and dengue. You can use mosquito repellent on your skin to avoid mosquito bites. To minimise skin exposure, you can wear long-sleeved clothing. Also, consider keeping your windows and doors closed during the evening when the mosquitoes are most active. Another factor to consider is keeping your surroundings clean so as not to harbour the breeding of mosquitoes.

  6. Stay physically active

    One of the health tips to follow during the rainy season to protect your overall health is to stay physically active. While the monsoons may discourage you from going out, there are other ways to ensure you remain physically fit. You can engage in indoor exercises like yoga, Pilates, stretches, and dance workouts. Regularly exercising this way makes it easy to ward off infections. Physical activity also improves your mood and reduces stress during the gloomy weather.

  7. Dry clothes and shoes properly

    Monsoons can make your clothes and shoes damp easily, which can lead to bacterial and fungal growth. This, in turn, causes skin infections and unpleasant odours. Therefore, ensuring your clothes are dried thoroughly before wearing them again is one of the essential health tips for the monsoon season. It helps to use a clothesline or a dryer to dry your clothes. You can also remove the moisture or dampness from shoes by placing them in a well-ventilated area.

  8. Stay informed about health alerts

    Health authorities and government entities often issue advisories regarding potential disease outbreaks and health precautions during the rainy season. You should keep an eye on such updates to stay informed about any health alerts in your area. You can also follow the guidelines recommended by the health authorities to avoid infections. Some examples include disinfecting your surroundings, preventing the breeding of mosquitoes, getting checked for specific symptoms, etc.

  9. Avoid the accumulation of stagnant water

    Stagnant water causes mosquitoes to breed, which then transmit diseases like malaria and dengue. Hence, one of the health tips for the monsoon season is to avoid the accumulating stagnant water bodies in your vicinity. If you must store water at your home for whatever reason, use clean vessels, buckets, and other containers and cover them properly to prevent them from becoming mosquito breeding sites.

  10. Increase your vitamin C intake

    Increasing Vitamin C intake during the monsoon is beneficial for your health. Vitamin C boosts the immune system, helping your body fight against infections more effectively. Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, and lemons are rich sources of Vitamin C, which you can include in your diet. Additionally, you can consume other fruits like papayas, guavas, and strawberries and vegetables like broccoli, bell peppers, and leafy greens that contain a high amount of Vitamin C.

Get a health insurance plan to stay protected

It is important to take the necessary precautions during monsoons to keep diseases at bay. By following these tips to stay healthy during the monsoon, you can navigate the various challenges this weather brings. While its helps to follow these health tips, you need to invest in health insurance for all-encompassing, ultimate protection. Your health insurance plan safeguards you in case of medical emergencies caused due to health issues, accidents, and injuries during the monsoon. The backup of a medical insurance plan offers peace of mind to deal with the inflating medical expenses.


What special precautions should children and senior adults take during the monsoon?

During the monsoon, children should wear appropriate rain gear and avoid playing in stagnant water to prevent infections. The elderly must stay away from slippery surfaces to prevent falls and injuries. They should also keep warm to avoid catching a cold.

How can I maintain my mental well-being in the gloomy weather?

To maintain your mental well-being during the gloomy monsoon weather, you could try to engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, such as reading, listening to music, or spending time with your loved ones. Staying active also helps improve your mood.

How can I keep my home free from dampness and mould during the rainy season?

The main aspect of consideration to keep your home free from dampness and mould during the rainy season is ventilation. It helps to open the windows when it's not raining, use exhaust fans in the kitchen and bathroom, and use dehumidifiers in the living spaces.

How can I stay safe during the monsoon if I have a respiratory condition?

If you have a respiratory problem, avoid going outdoors during heavy rainfall and stay away from polluted or dusty areas. In addition, keep your home ventilated to reduce indoor air pollutants.

Is it safe to travel during the rainy season?

Yes, it is with, but you must exercise caution. You should check the weather forecasts and road conditions before planning your trip. You must also pack essential items like jackets, raincoats, etc., while travelling.

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