Safety Tips to Survive a Tsunami
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Safety Tips to Survive a Tsunami

Nature shows no mercy when it is in the mood for destruction. Everything you own gets swept away in seconds. Natural calamities have turned cities and nations upside down and claimed countless lives. A tsunami is one such natural disaster. It is a series of enormous waves resulting from underwater disturbances. While there is no way to prevent it from suddenly occurring, you can take safe steps to rescue yourself. This World Tsunami Awareness Day, let’s learn some safety tips to survive a Tsunami.

World Tsunami Awareness Day

Japan, a victim of numerous tsunami attacks, started observing World Tsunami Awareness Day on 5th November 2015. Due to its repeated encounters, the tsunami–prone country has achieved expertise in detecting tsunamis, warning its citizens, taking required action, and formulating recovery techniques. In 2015, the United Nations designated this day as an official day to spread awareness and encourage international cooperation concerning tsunami survival. It is an occasion to educate the masses on actions, policies, and practices to recover from tsunamis.

Tsunami Survival Tips

Preparing for tsunami survival is the best way to observe World Tsunami Day. Maintaining safety and getting through a tsunami attack is just as essential. Here’s what you can do.

Research the area you intend to visit

Be prepared if you are travelling to areas with high tides or a history of tsunami attacks. Learn everything you can about the location to steer clear of dangerous zones. You can also locate the nearest high ground and other safety spots in case you need to make a run during the disaster.

Learn the evacuation route

Most tsunami–prone areas, including tourist spots, markets, and other civic amenities, have signboards displaying an evacuation route. These signboards are especially found around high tide zones. It helps to learn about them and plan your escape route if a tsunami strikes.

Take quick action

A tsunami results from a strong earthquake, landslide, or eruption that disrupts the sea level. When this happens, you can feel the ground shaking and hear loud, unusual noises from the sea. In many cases, this is a sign of a quickly–progressing tsunami. The best way to get away is to find a higher ground without waiting for the warning.

Stay updated

Reaching a safe ground is only the first step. Staying aware of your surroundings is also vital to assess the on–ground situation. The official authorities in your area typically provide help via radio broadcasts and news updates. Stay informed through these alerts to know when it is safe to descend from your refuge.

Protect Your Assets from Tsunami-Induced Damages With General Insurance Policies

Besides yourself, your belongings also get endangered during a tsunami attack. The first call of action is to save yourself. So, your possessions often get ignored. As you cannot guarantee their protection from losses caused by natural calamities, getting home and vehicle insurance helps. Home and vehicle insurance plans typically cover damages against acts of God. However, you must read all terms and conditions to ascertain you get this coverage.

This World Tsunami Day, check with your insurer and purchase the necessary general insurance plans to secure your assets.

Disclaimer: The above information is indicative in nature. For more details on the risk factor, terms and conditions, please refer to the Sales Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale.

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