Myths of Travel Insurance
Travel Insurance

Myths of Travel Insurance

Myth 1: I am young, I won’t fall ill

Horror stories during a vacation – it won’t happen to me! Think again! Click here to know the common myths travellers had travel plans disrupted by illness, weather or delays. You could break an ankle, catch an infection, miss your flight or lose your luggage. Your kids could fall ill at the last minute. Anything could happen – and it could happen to you.

Myth 2: Short trips don’t require travel insurance

The risk of illness or injury isn’t decreased by the length of time of the trip. Your passport and wallet are just as likely to be stolen on a short weekend trip. And if the incident requires critical care, it could still mean a long and expensive stay in a foreign hospital.

Myth 3: I don’t need travel insurance – I’m covered by my health insurance; employer cover or credit card:

Health plans and credit cards offer very limited or no coverage abroad. Employer plans also don't cover trip cancellation or interruption, especially when caused by illness or injury among your family or fellow travellers. Besides, travel insurance isn’t just about health – it also covers lost luggage, travel assistance, travel delays, medical evacuation etc. Normal Indemnity health insurance is not likely to provide such wide coverage and services.

Myth 4: Travel insurance is useless because my health condition is excluded

Again, travel insurance isn’t just about health – it also covers trip cancellation, lost luggage, travel delays etc. Besides, medical evacuation and travel assistance services would still be available in the event of life threatening conditions.

Myth 5: My booking will be refunded by the airline or hotel.

Airlines and hotels have complicated cancellation rules. Bookings are often non-refundable, and even if they are, you may lose a non-refundable deposit. Even if you haven’t paid for a hotel in advance, cancellation rules could mean you owe money for some or all of the stay. Travel insurance safeguards you against such losses.

Myth 6: The airline will compensate me for my delayed flight

Not all airlines pay food and accommodation expenses for delayed flights, and in many countries it’s not even compulsory for them to do so. Travel insurance ensures that your meals, hotel room and other expenses will be covered during a delay.

Myth 7: I’m going to a country with cheaper healthcare than India, so I can pay myself:

Travel insurance isn’t just about cost. It also guarantees quality treatment – sterilised equipment, qualified staff etc. When backed by a 24/7 global helpline, this can help you make the right choices and negates the risk of infection through sub-standard treatment.

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