What Does Travel Insurance Not Cover?
Travel Insurance

What Does Travel Insurance Not Cover?

What Does Travel Insurance Not Cover?

A travel insurance policy is one of the most important documents that you carry with yourself during your travels. It’s your security blanket against possible setbacks during the trip. But you need to know that factors such as use of intoxicants and adventure activities are outside the scope of travel insurance. You therefore need to fully understand what travel insurance does not cover and prepare yourself accordingly.

Importance of Travel Insurance

A travel insurance policy provides monetary cover for your losses, unless your claim is an outright contradiction to insurance guidelines. While there are certain instances in which your travel insurance could be rendered useless, it is still worth the money because of the following benefits it offers:

• Medical Expenses Coverage

• Personal Accident Coverage

• Loss/Damaged Luggage Coverage

• Personal Liability Coverage

• Medical Evacuation

• Repatriation of Mortal Remains

• Cancellation/Postponement of Travel Plans

• Guidance if Loss of Documents such as Visa, Passport etc.

• Peace of Mind


While it’s important to know the benefits of a travel insurance policy, it is also crucial to be aware of the possible exclusions under it. This could differ from policy to policy, but some of the standard exclusions in such policies are as follows:

• Intoxicants: The probability of accidents get enhanced if you are under the influence of intoxicants such as liquor, drugs etc. You must behave responsibly and realise that if an unfortunate event were to happen under the influence of intoxicants, your travel insurance provider will deny coverage outrightly. More so, if any medical complications arise because of it, you won’t be able to claim any medical expenses either.

• Adventure Activities: Many a time, people indulge in adventure activities during their travel. Activities such as scuba diving, sky diving etc. warrant you to sign a life waiver form before attempting these stunts. The possibility of accidents is high in these activities and your travel insurance provider would not cover you for this. The intent behind an insurance policy is to provide monetarily for uncertain events, but in this case, you are voluntarily putting your life in danger and hence cannot rightfully claim compensation.

• Self-Inflicted Injury or Suicide: If you put your own life in danger during your trip, your travel insurance company will not be obliged to provide coverage to you. If the insured person commits suicide while on the trip, no compensation will come from travel insurance provider.

• Travelling Against Medical Advice: There could be instances wherein you are advised against travelling by a medical practitioner. If you still take the chance to travel and were to encounter any medical challenges during your trip, the expenses incurred will not be covered by your travel insurance provider.

• Carelessness: Losing out on your passport, visa etc. during your travel can have grave consequences. Your travel insurance provider is obliged to guide you to obtain new copies of the lost document, but if the cause of loss is because of your carelessness, no cost will be reimbursed.

• Catastrophes: If there is a terrorist attack at your travel destination, or a sudden natural catastrophe such as earthquake, your travel insurance provider will most likely not provide any coverage in such disaster-like situations.

Buying a travel insurance policy is a smart thing to do, but the final onus of avoiding an unfortunate situation is on you. To ensure your travel insurance investment is fruitful, ensure you are avoiding situations which could warrant a possible exclusion from your policy guidelines.

Disclaimer: The above information is indicative in nature. For more details on the risk factor, terms and conditions, please refer to the Sales Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale.

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