The Importance of Second Opinion Cover in Healthcare
Health Insurance

The Importance of Second Opinion Cover in Healthcare

You can trust your general physician to give you the right medicines when you have a minor cold. However, when it comes to major illnesses, like cancer or heart surgery, you may want to consult more than one specialist to confirm your diagnosis and further treatment course. Getting a second opinion comes with a different set of costs. If you’ve ever wondered, “does health insurance cover second opinions” this article is for you.

Why is Second Opinion Important?

Errors in medical diagnoses can cause irreversible damage to patients, especially if they are suffering from critical illnesses. Cancer patients, for example, must cross-verify their oncologist’s recommendations. Getting a second opinion gives the patient peace of mind before putting their body through extensive treatments. For instance, one oncologist may suggest mastectomy for breast cancer, while the other may recommend chemotherapy. It is up to the patient to analyse the possible courses of action and choose one that feels right.

Patients may also need a second opinion if they are not recovering from the treatments provided by the existing doctor. They usually seek a second opinion when they feel uncertain about their treating physician’s diagnosis, especially while dealing with critical ailments that can affect their health in the long term.

Does Insurance Cover Second Opinion Costs?

Individuals with certain diseases may want to look for second opinions if they are unsure of the treatment options recommended by their existing doctors. For instance, those with financial means residing in localities with fewer medical amenities may wish to travel to bigger cities and get a second opinion from medical practitioners there.

Thus, the answer to the question, “does medicare cover second opinions” is yes. However, this facility is provided by only a few insurance companies in India. As per the terms of your insurance plan, you may be permitted to seek a second opinion, but only if you are diagnosed with specific critical ailments. These include cancer, organ transplants, multiple sclerosis, brain stroke, kidney failure, etc. While some insurers may provide second opinion cover under the base plan, others may offer it as an add-on rider. Typically, a second opinion covers you against the following costs:

  • Diagnosis: The next doctor may recommend additional tests, the costs of which are covered under the second opinion cover.
  • Consultation fee: Doctor consultation fees differ based on their experience and practice venue. Also, specialists offering a second opinion may levy higher fees. However, you can cover the costs using your second opinion cover.

At the time of purchasing the health policy, we recommend you ask your insurer or agent, “does health insurance cover second opinions”. If yes, you can go ahead and purchase the policy. If not, you should check if you can buy it as an additional rider.

Buy Health Insurance Today

Thanks to technological advancements in medicine, you get access to the best medical treatments today. A health insurance policy helps you avail of these medical treatments without draining your life savings. health insurance pays for your medical costs, up to the sum insured and prevents the depletion of your life savings.

Disclaimer: The above information is indicative in nature. For more details on the risk factor, terms and conditions, please refer to the Sales Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale.

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