Early Cancer Warning Signs You Should Not Miss
Health Insurance

Early Cancer Warning Signs You Should Not Miss

Cancer is considered the leading cause of death worldwide. A cancer diagnosis is incredibly stressful. Thankfully, advancements in medical science have enabled healthcare specialists to control its spread in the human body, especially if the cancer is detected early. On National Cancer Awareness Day, let’s learn about the early signs of cancer to look out for to nip this horrendous disease in the bud.

National Cancer Awareness Day

Observed every year on 7th November, National Cancer Awareness Day is an occasion to spread awareness about symptoms, treatments, and cancer prevention measures. Former Indian Health Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan first announced the National Cancer Awareness Program in 2014 to commemorate the birth anniversary of Noble prize Awardee Marie Curie who contributed to the fight against cancer. The best way to participate in National Cancer Awareness Day is to learn about cancer symptoms in their nascent stages.

Early Signs to Detect Cancer

The below–mentioned symptoms are not definitive indicators of cancer. But knowing them is a good start to reach out for help early. You can get screening tests done to confirm your doubts and stay on the safer side.

  • Abnormal weight loss

    Weight fluctuation is normal. You may lose or gain five to ten pounds periodically as you change your diet, exercise, or eat irregularly. But a sudden drop in weight that has a significant impact on your well–being should be a matter of concern. You should immediately inform your doctor to identify the root cause of the weight loss, which could well be cancer.

  • Unusual lumps

    Swollen areas on any part of your body are not normal. Swelling often occurs due to underlying conditions like skin infections, allergic reactions, etc. But it is concerning when swelling occurs in specific areas like underarms and breasts in women and testicles in men. You should get them checked to avoid the possibility of developing cancer cells.

  • Skin changes

    Your skin is the window to your overall well–being. In the case of cancer, the appearance of moles and birthmarks get specifically affected. They become asymmetrical, have irregular borders, change colour, or grow larger. Whatever the case may be, getting it checked is important to understand the underlying reason.

  • Persistent pain

    Body pain is commonly attributed to strained muscles and could be common as you age. But when it is persistent and does not respond to medicines and therapies, it could be concerning. When cancer cells grow, they disrupt the neighbouring tissues. They may press against the nerves, bones, and organs. If the pain lasts longer than usual, you should get it checked.

Protect Your Savings from Depletion with Cancer Care Health Insurance Plans

Cancer is typically a long–term illness. Patients could need surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiation. Cancer treatment costs are incredibly high, and a regular health insurance plan may not suffice. However, a cancer care health insurance policy may prove helpful. The high sum insured disbursed as a lump sum in such policies enables patients to seek the best treatment without worrying about costs.

This Cancer Awareness Day, invest in cancer care health insurance to secure your finances during a cancer diagnosis.

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